Examples of reports and peer-reviewed publications produced by Mackie Research and collaborators
Thorne, R., Mackie, H., Raja, A. (2021). Dragons Teeth Traffic Control Device Trial: Interim evaluation report. A report for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Thorne, R., van Mierlo, M., Mackie, H., Koorey, G., Raja, A. (2021). Shared Path Behaviour Change Markings: Field test evaluation. A report for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H., Hirsch, L., Thorne, R., Witten, K., Field, A. (2021). Creating the Circuit Breakers: An examination of the sociotechnical system factors which impede and enable the delivery of safe and healthy neighbourhood street design in Aotearoa New Zealand. In S. Coxon, & R. Napper (Eds.), Advancing a Design Approach to Enriching Public Mobility (1st ed., pp. 249-274). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Access the paper here
Hirsch, L., Thorne, R., Mackie, H. (2020) Promoting independent walking to school. A report prepared for Auckland Transport.
Thorne, R., Hirsch, L., Blewden, J., and Mackie, H. (2019). Understanding the Safe System context behind pedestrian road trauma in Auckland. Auckland, New Zealand, A report prepared for Auckland Transport.
Field, A., Hirsch, L., Mills, R., & Norgrove, K. (2019) Future Insights: Hamilton. Environmental Scan for Hamilton City Council. Prepared by Dovetail, Mackie Research, The Lever Room, and Strateg.Ease for Hamilton City Council
Mackie, H., Woodward, A., Witten K., Smith, M., Field, A., Macmillan, A., Hosking, J., Baas, P., Hawley, G., Wild, K., Hodgson, R., Hirsch, L., Thorne, R., McKerchar, C. (2019.) Healthy Future Mobility: Synthesis Report. Auckland: New Zealand. Access the report here
Hirsch, L., Mackie, H., Scott, R., de Pont, J., Douglas, S., & Thomsen, D. (2019). For whom didn’t it click? A study of the non-use of seat belts in motor vehicle fatalities. New Zealand. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 30(3),18. Access the paper here
Field, A., Hirsch, L., Mills, R., Norgrove, K. (2019). Strategic trends and implications: Waikato Region. Political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental analysis. A report prepared for Waikato Regional Council by Dovetail.
Hirsch, L., Mackie, H., Thorne, R., Blewden, M. (2019). Ellison Street trial of Pedestrian Pavement Lights for implementation at pedestrian level crossings. A report prepared for KiwiRail,
Thorne, R., Mackie, H., Hirsch, L., Crombie, C., Bolton, L. (2019) Evaluation of fixed speed camera warning signs. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency,
Hirsch, L., Thorne, R. (2019) Trial of level crossing safety options along the New Plymouth Coastal Walkway. Auckland, New Zealand, A report prepared for New Plymouth District Council.
Hawley. G., Mackie. H., Thorne. R., Scott. R., Woodward. (2019) A. Fun, Active, Safe, Social – Bikes in Schools Evaluation. Report prepared for ACC by Mackie Research in partnership with the University of Auckland. Access the report here Hawley, G., Scott, R., Mackie, H., Woodward, A., Hirsch, L., (2018) Fun, active, safe & social: Short-term evaluation of Bikes in Schools. A report prepared for the Accident Compensation Corporation. Hirsch, L., Mackie, H., Scott, R., & Thorne, R. (2018). Understanding the Safe System context behind pedestrian road trauma in New Zealand. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Thomas, J., Hirsch, L., Mackie, H., Sayed,, Wilson, N., Davison, A., Jackett, R. (2018) Cyclist conflict at intersections: Development and application of a hybrid analysis method. A report prepared for the AA Research Foundation. Access the report here
Macmillan. A., Mackie. H., Hosking. J., Witten. K., Smith. M., Field. A., Woodward. A., Hoskins. R., Stewart. J., van der Werf. B., Baas. P.. (2018) Controlled before-after intervention study of suburb-wide street changes to increase walking and cycling: Te Ara Mua-Future Streets study design. BMC Public Health. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-5758-1.
Moore, D., Mackie. H., Hirsch. L. (2018). Growing resilience: Safer and effective light vehicle systems for kiwifruit orchard applications using continual improvement. Auckland, New Zealand, A report prepared by Mackie Research for Zespri International Limited.
Field. A., Wild K., Woodward. A., Macmillan. A., Mackie. H. (2018). Encountering bikelash: Experiences and lessons from New Zealand communities. Journal of Transport & Health. 11: 130-140.
Mackie. H., Macmillan. A., Witten. K., Baas. P., Field. A., Smith. M., Hosking. J., King. K., Sosene. L., Woodward. A.. (2018) Te Ara Mua - Future Streets suburban street retrofit: A researcher-community-government co-design process and intervention outcomes. Journal of Transport & Health, 11, 209-2020.
Newton, J., Hirsch. l., and Mackie, H. (2018) Future Streets Aranui: Community insights. Auckland New Zealand, Mackie Research for NZ Transport Agency.
Thorne, R., G Hawley, L. Hirsch, H. Mackie, and A. Woodward (2018) Evaluation of Federal Street contra-flow cycle lane. Auckland, New Zealand, A report prepared for Auckland Transport.
Hirsch, L., Scott, R., Mackie, H.W., Stedmon, A., Moore, D. (2018) Motorcycle safety on the Coromandel curves: The development and evaluation of perceptual counter measures to influence rider speed, position, and braking. A report prepared for the Accident Compensation Corporation.
Mackie, H.W., Scott, R., Hirsch, L. (2018) Christmas period road deaths 2017/18 A safe system review. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Hawley, G., Mackie, H.W., Northcotte, M., Thomas, J., Halliday, J., Algar, R., Yonson, R. (2017) Detailed Business Case: A national cycling education system. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency and the Accident Compensation Corporation.
Hirsch, L., Moore, D., Stedmon, A., Mackie, H. (2017) Keeping you in the Loop: A Human Factors Approach to Motorcycling Safety. Proceedings of the 2017 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of New Zealand’s Annual Conference (pp. 48-58) ISBN 978-0-473-41060-5. Access the paper here
Smith, M., Hosking, J., Woodward, A., Witten, K., MacMillan, A., Field, A., Baas, P. and Mackie, H.W. (2017) Systematic literature review of built environment effects on physical activity and active transport–an update and new findings on health equity. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14(1), p.158.
Mackie, H.,, Hirsch. L., Scott. R., Douglas. S., Thomsen. D. (2017) "A Safe System analysis of serious injury and fatal crashes." In Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), 39th, 2017, Auckland, New Zealand. Access the paper here
Hirsch, L., Mackie. H., Cook. E. (2017) "It’s sign! Developing a warning system for New Zealand’s pedestrian level crossings." In Australasian Transport 39th Research Forum (ATRF), Auckland, New Zealand. Access the paper here
Mackie, H., Gulliver, P., Scott, R., Hirsch, L.., Ameratunga, S., de Pont, J. (2017) Serious injury crashes: How do they differ from fatal crashes? What is the nature of injuries resulting from them? A report prepared for the AA Research Council. Access the report here
Hirsch, L.., Mackie, H. (2017) Improving level crossing safety along the Coastal Walkway. A report for the New Plymouth District Council.
Mackie, H., Hawley, G. (2017) Safety at the school gate: What next? A report prepared for Auckland Transport.
Hawley, G., Hirsch, L., Mackie, H. (2017) Safe and active journeys for secondary school students in Christchurch . A report prepared for the Christchurch City Council.
Hirsch, L., Moore, D., Mackie, H., Stedmon, A. (2017) Improving the NZ ‘rider experience’: In-depth discussions with riders. A report for the NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H., Brodie, C., Scott, R., Hirsch, L., Tate, F., Russell, M., Holst, K. (2017) The signs they are a-changin’: Development and evaluation of New Zealand’s rural intersection active warning system. Journal of the Australian College of Road Safety – Volume 28 No. 3, 2017. Access the paper here
Mackie, H., Hawley, G., Scott, R., Woodward, A. (2017) Towards a safe system for cycling. NZ Transport Agency Research Report 606.
Hirsch, L., Scott, R., Mackie, H. (2017) Understanding motorcycle rider attitudes towards a proposed ‘curve tightens’ sign. Prepared for the Accident Compensation Corporation.
Hirsch, L., Mackie, H. (2017) Level crossing footpath sign options. A report prepared for Kiwirail.
Mackie, H., Scott, R. (2017) Safe system review of the Christmas/New Year Holiday Road Toll 2016/17 . A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H., Hirsch, L., Wilson. N., Scott. R. (2017) Pedestrian behaviour and movement analysis: Ōtāhuhu town centre. A report prepared for Auckland Transport.
Hirsch, L., Waters, G., Scott, R., Mackie, H., de Pont, J. (2017) Vehicle occupants not wearing a seat belt: An analysis of fatalities and traffic offences in New Zealand. A report prepared for the AA Research Foundation. Access the report here
Macmillan, A., Mackie, H., (2016) Optimising low carbon mobility for health and equity. Low carbon mobility transitions, 45. Mackie, H., Holst, K., Brodie, C., Tate, F., (2016) Helping drivers to manage safety at high risk rural intersections. IPENZ Transportation Group Conference, Auckland.
Mackie, H., Scott, R. (2016) A design approach for safe and active school travel at the new Haeata Community Campus. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H., Thomas, J., Hirsch, L., Davison, A. (2016) A method for understanding conflicts between cyclists and other road users at urban intersections. A report prepared by Mackie Research and OPUS Research for the AA Research Foundation.
Hawley, G., Hirsch, L., Scott, R. (2016) Active Puketāpapa Campaign: Baseline data. A report prepared for Puketāpapa Active Transport Haven.
Mackie, H., Field, A., Hawley, G. (2016) National Cycling Programme Evaluation. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Scott, R., Mackie H. (2016) Safer Journeys for Schools Assessments (Stage 3). A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H., Scott, R. (2016) Weather activated variable speed limits (WAVSL) trial Kaimai Ranges. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Ward, J., Mackie, H. (2016) Footpath cycling: Rule options research. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency
Scott, R., Mackie H. (2015) Safer Schools Assessments (Stage 2). A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency
Hawley, G., Mackie, H. (2015) Evaluation of the Road Safety Trust Project. A report prepared for Cycling NZ and the Cycling Advocate's Network.
Mackie, H., Scott, R., Hawley, G. (2015) Rural Intervention Active Warning System (RIAWS) Trial. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Hawley, G., Mackie, H. (2015). Evaluation of Auckland’s Adult Cycle Training Programme. A report prepared for Auckland Transport.
Hawley, G., Mackie, H. (2015) The Māngere Young Drivers Project. Process Evaluation. A report prepared for the Accident Compensation Corporation.
Mackie, H., Scott, R. (2015) Evaluation of perceptual countermeasures for the Southern Coromandel Motorcycle Safety Demonstration Project. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H., Scott, R. (2014) Implementation and monitoring of variable speed limit signs at rural schools: Stage 2. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Scott, R. Mackie, H. (2014) Speed vs casualty risk curves: Analysis of evidence and considerations for updated curves. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Cycling Safety Panel. (2014) Safer Journeys For People Who Cycle. Cycling Safety Panel Final Report and Recommendations. Access the report here
Mackie, H., Gascoigne, J. (2013) Medium-term evaluation of variable speed limit signs at rural schools. A report prepared for NZ Transport Agency (Road Safety Fund).
Brodie, C., Durdin, P., Tate, F., Mackie, H. (2013) Targeting high risk intersections. Australasian College of Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia. Field, A., Oliver, M., Mackie, H. (2013) Opportunities and challenges for peri-urban recreation in New Zealand’s fastest growing cities. A report prepared for Sport NZ.
Mackie. H. (2013) Rotorua in Gear - Final Evaluation Report. A report prepared for Sport Bay of Plenty.
Mackie, H., Charlton, S., Baas, P. (2012) Road user behaviour changes following a self-explaining roads intervention. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 50, 742-750.
Mackie, H., Gascoigne, J. (2012) Evaluation of variable speed limit signs at rural schools. A report prepared for the Road Safety Trust.
Mackie, H., Gascoigne, J. (2012) Nga Iwi School bikes in schools project evaluation report. A report prepared for Auckland Transport.
Mackie, H. (2011) Rural School Road Safety. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H. (2011) The effects of speed on rural intersection crashes. A report prepared for the NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H., Baas, P.H. (2011) Evaluation of 20 km/h school bus signs. A report prepared for the Road Safety Trust.
Charlton, S., Mackie, H., Baas, P., Hay, K., Menezes, M. and Dixon, C. (2010) Using endemic road features to create self-explaining roads and reduce vehicle speed. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42. 1989-1998.
Mackie, H. (2010) Rural intersection active warning systems: Review of information and recommendations. Stage 1 Report. A report prepared for NZ Transport Agency.
Mackie, H. (2010) Overcoming barriers to cycling to school: A key to improving transport system performance, Road and Transport Research 19(2): 55-62.
Mackie, H. (2009) Improving school travel systems. NZ Transport Agency Research Report 420
Mackie, H. (2009) ‘I want to ride my bike’: Overcoming barriers to cycling to intermediate schools. NZ Transport Agency Research Report 380